Input Needed on Proposed Requirements for Thermal Bridges in ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1
On August 22, 1018, Martha Van Geem, PE, Independent Consultant, presented Challenges of Proposed Requirements in ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1 as a supplemental session for SE University. Martha reviewed the proposed requirements being considered by ASHRAE in Addendum av and areas of the country which could be affected by the changes. ASHRAE is seeking input on these proposed changes from practicing engineers, architects, and contractors to substantiate if these requirements are technically sound, practical, and cost effective.
Although structural engineers are not typically the lead designer of the thermal requirements for buildings, the implications of these proposed changes would significantly impact the design community as a whole within many climate zones throughout the United States. Also, the 26 page document is rather complicated and is not constructed in a typical “Code” fashion, but rather requires idyllic, impossible building guidelines followed by a number of exceptions.
In order to ensure these proposed changes are well considered by the design community, ASHRAE is holding a public review until September 17, 2018. Public comments are welcome on the addendum as a whole, specific sections or specific wording. Click here to read Addendum av in its entirety. You can review the instructions for commenting on the Addendum av by clicking here. In order to provide feedback, you will need to create a login on ASHRAE’s website, and click on the Comments next to BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum av to ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2016, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings (First Public Review Draft). You do not need to be a member of ASHRAE to participate in the public review, and creating a login is free of charge.
As licensed structural engineers, we are often times called upon to serve the public by providing our expertise in order to weigh the importance of safety, constructability, and sustainability of construction means and methods within our industry. Participating in the process may prevent others from dictating the future terms of building construction.
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