In an effort to “Pay It Forward,” SE University is happy to announce our “SEU Speaker Inspires” program in which our speakers can designate a charity/organization of their choice for SE University to make a donation to help improve our world.
In September 2015, Emily Guglielmo, SE, from Martin/Martin, Inc., gave a talk on Clarifying Frequently Misunderstood Wind Provisions for SE University. She chose Bridges to Prosperity ( for the donation of the month.
Emily said this about her choice, “Bridges to Prosperity believes that every person has a right to safe access and has engineered innovative, scalable approaches to act on that belief. As an engineer, it’s inspiring to see other engineers using their passion for the profession to implement real change in the world.”
Thank you, Emily, for helping structural engineers with your SE University session, and for your designation of Bridges to Prosperity as our SEU Speaker Inspires Organization of the Month!
In an effort to “Pay It Forward,” SE University is happy to announce our “SEU Speaker Inspires” program in which our speakers can designate a charity/organization of their choice for SE University to make a donation to help improve our world.
In July 2015, Whitney McNulty, PE, from BL Companies, gave a talk on Flexural Design of Single Angle Members for SE University. He chose the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation ( for the donation of the month.
Whitney said this about his choice, “I chose the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation for personal reasons. Both of my children have juvenile onset diabetes, also known as type 1 diabetes. This isn’t the diabetes for which you see all of the drug commercials on TV. My son who is now 22 developed the disease when he was 11. My daughter, now 19, became diabetic when she was 10, less than one month from the anniversary of my son’s date. When my son became diabetic my wife and I had no history of diabetes in either of our families. The doctors told us there was less than a 2% chance that siblings who are not twins will both develop the disease, so we thought that our daughter was safe. Now both of my children have insulin pumps that they wear 24 hours a day, everyday. They test their blood at least 7 times a day, and we have experienced very high and low blood sugars. We’ve had a few visits from 911 personnel, including one time when the police had to break down a door to get into my house to help my son. You can’t tell from looking at my children that they are diabetics, unless you notice their pumps, and they try to not let the disease limit their lives. My prayer is that a way to prevent this condition is discovered, and that in the meantime, the lives of type 1 diabetics can be made easier by the work done by the JDRF.”
Thank you, Whitney, for helping structural engineers with your SE University session, and for your designation of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation as our SEU Speaker Inspires Organization of the Month!
In an effort to “Pay It Forward,” SE University is happy to announce our “SEU Speaker Inspires” program in which our speakers can designate a charity/organization of their choice for SE University to make a donation to help improve our world.
In June 2015, Seth Guthrie, SE, from Bentley Systems, Inc. gave a talk on Software Default Settings and Effects on Structural Models for SE University. He chose Engineers Without Borders (, for the donation of the month.
Seth said this about his choice, “The mission of Engineers Without Borders to “build a better world through engineering projects that empower communities…” is perfectly aligned with the Bentley motto, “Sustaining Infrastructure” and my own guiding principles as an engineer. I think EWB is one of the most effective groups actively working on global problems today.”
Thank you, Seth, for helping structural engineers with your SE University session, and for your designation of Engineers Without Borders as our SEU Speaker Inspires Organization of the Month!
30 Jun 2015
“SEU Speaker Inspires” – Organization of the Month: University of Washington Department of Civil Engineering
In an effort to “Pay It Forward,” SE University is happy to announce our “SEU Speaker Inspires” program in which our speakers can designate a charity/organization of their choice for SE University to make a donation to help improve our world.
In May 2015, Ian McFarlane, PE, SE, from Magnusson Klemencic Associates gave a talk on Mat Foundations and Soil Structure Interaction for SE University. He chose University of Washington Department of Civil Engineering (, for the donation of the month.
Ian said this about his choice, “UW CEE not only gave me a fantastic technical background and got me involved in exciting research topics, but they also provided an excellent balance by frequently involving practicing engineers in the curriculum. This frequent exposure to practicing engineers was very beneficial to me and ultimately led to my position at MKA which makes me extremely grateful!”
Thank you, Ian, for helping structural engineers with your SE University session, and for your designation of University of Washington Department of Civil Engineering as our SEU Speaker Inspires Organization of the Month!
In an effort to “Pay It Forward,” SE University is happy to announce our “SEU Speaker Inspires” program in which our speakers can designate a charity/organization of their choice for SE University to make a donation to help improve our world.
In April 2015, Cathleen Jacinto, PE, SE, gave a talk on Checklists to Assist the Structural Engineer During Construction Administration for SE University. She chose Cancer Research Institute (, for the donation of the month.
Cathleen said this about her choice, “Cancer Research Institute is a great organization advancing research in several types of cancer immunology, a disease affecting millions of people.”
Thank you, Cathleen, for helping structural engineers with your SE University session, and for your designation of Cancer Research Institute as our SEU Speaker Inspires Organization of the Month!
In an effort to “Pay It Forward,” SE University is happy to announce our “SEU Speaker Inspires” program in which our speakers can designate a charity/organization of their choice for SE University to make a donation to help improve our world.
In March 2015, Otto Schwarz, PE, SE, from Ryan Biggs Clark Davis, gave a talk on Concrete Slabs on Grade for SE University. He chose his alma mater, Tennessee Technological University, for the donation of the month.
Otto said this about his choice, “Tennessee Tech gave me a firm base of knowledge for all I have done since and I am very grateful for the professors who dedicated their efforts toward the engineering student body.”
Thank you, Otto, for helping structural engineers with your SE University session, and for your designation of Tennessee Technological University as our SEU Speaker Inspires Organization of the Month!