27 Apr 2018
SE Solutions Assists AISC at the 2018 Steel Conference Students Connecting with Industry Sessions (SCIS)
SE Solutions was excited to assist AISC organize the Student Event (SCIS) at the Steel Conference for the 8th year in a row. (see www.aisc.org/scis for further details) This year’s conference was in Baltimore, Maryland and 200 students attended the event. SCIS aims to give students the opportunity to hear career insights from distinguished design professionals, connect and interact with leading industry experts, and mingle with other like-minded students.
This year’s event included presentations by Jim Malley from Degenkolb Engineers and Kim Olson from FORSE Consulting. Jim and Kim were able to provide insight to new engineers on the best strategies to be successful in their new careers, how to learn quickly on-the-job, and different aspects of the business side of structural engineering.
In the afternoon, students were able to attend “Direct Connect” which allows students to interact with industry experts from design and construction companies in a relaxed setting, while making personal contacts within major firms throughout North America. This networking event was a great opportunity to meet with up to 50 firms, all under one roof, and gain further advice and strategies from other successful structural engineers. If your company would be interested in participating in Direct Connect in the future, please e-mail Brian Quinn at [email protected]. (There is no cost for companies to participate) Next year’s conference will be in St. Louis.
AISC puts on this event to help students gain a wide variety of knowledge that will help them as they embark on their careers in structural engineering.
In addition, AISC now offers an opportunity for member companies to post internships for students at no cost on a dedicated webpage . Click here to visit AISC’s internship webpage to view available openings or post your company’s internships.
27 Apr 2018
Organizations to Consider
Membership in a professional organization is a common way to stay engaged in your profession, and structural engineering groups offer many benefits to membership. However, it can also be worth your time to invest in organizations that may not be solely focused on your particular discipline. Unless you have been personally invited by a colleague or friend, you might not even be aware of the local groups that meet in your area. There are so many organizations, both national and local, that can offer new experiences for you and even make a difference in the lives of others. Click on the links below to explore a few possible organizations that may have chapters near you.
Toastmasters is another great national organization that aims to provide a supportive environment to learn better public speaking skills and improve leadership qualities. These groups meet at various business offices throughout the country, and they encourage participants to grow at their own pace to meet their specific goals by providing helpful feedback and a specially designed program to enhance their skills.
Rotary International exists to bring neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers together to take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves. The extensive work of Rotarians around the globe is too vast to even cover sufficiently, but ranges from providing clean water and solar lights, to improving literacy, to providing seminars for tomorrow’s leaders. Being an active member of Rotary International may can make a huge impact in your life and the world around us.
Habitat for Humanity is a great national organization that is a natural fit for many structural engineers. Aside from the typical construction help, Habitat also recruits volunteers to assist in many of their offices and thrift stores, and help organize special events and fundraising efforts. Bringing affordable housing to your locale is a fantastic way to improve your community and meet new people along the way.
The options are endless, but it just takes a little time to inquire and find the right fit for your season in life. Joining a new organization, whether it be professional, charitable, or political in nature, can be a first step to finding where you can contribute and grow personally. Challenge yourself to try something new, and you never know where this opportunity could lead!
22 Mar 2018
Attract Interns to Your Company through AISC
Is your company looking to hire student interns? Connect with thousands of engineering students from the nation’s top engineering universities through AISC’s Student Internships webpage at www.aisc.org/internships. Through this webpage, students can review available internships and link to appropriate company sites or contacts. AISC provides this as a free service to AISC members as well as the students searching for internships.
Internships are a great way to invest in your company’s future by attracting young, talented student engineers who may return as employees upon graduation. Offering internships can help foster connections with local universities and help your company invest in the next generation of engineers. If you would like to advertise your company’s student internship, visit www.aisc.org/internships and complete the form “Post an Internship Opportunity” or contact AISC’s University Programs team at [email protected] should you have any additional questions.
In March of 2018, SE University welcomed David Odeh, SE, PE, SECB, F.SEI, F.ASCE, to present Classical Design Methods . David nominated SEI Futures Fund (http://www.asce.org/structural-engineering/sei-futures-fund/) for the SEU Speaker Inspires donation for this month.
David shared about his involvement in SEI Futures Fund: “A few years ago, a group of leaders from SEI got together and created something we called the SEI Vision for the Future of Structural Engineering (https://www.asce.org/uploadedFiles/visionforthefuture.pdf), which is a strategy to promote leadership and innovation in our profession to make sure that in the future we are the creative leaders that are coming up with the solutions to the great problems that society faces like Urbanization, Climate Change, and Public Health.
The SEI Futures Fund invests in new initiatives that are beyond the scope of the SEI budget, and it does things like fund young engineers and professionals to come to Structures Congress, participate in SEI Standards committees, and learn the leadership skills that will be needed to make sure our profession thrives in the future.”
Thank you, David, for helping structural engineers with your SE University session, and for your designation of SEI Futures Fund as our SEU Speaker Inspires Organization of the Month!
SE University began the SEU Speaker Inspires program in 2015 as a way to “pay it forward”, enabling our speakers to designate a charity/organization of their choice for SE University to make a donation to help improve our world.
26 Feb 2018
SE University / SE Solutions Supports Down Syndrome Indiana (DSI) – Day of Giving on March 21, 2018
SE University / SE Solutions is pleased to be a sponsor for Down Syndrome Indiana (DSI), Day of Giving on March 21, 2018 during the 1:00 – 2:00 pm EDT segment. Kelley, the cousin of SE Solutions founder, Brian Quinn, will be interviewed during this hour. “Down Syndrome Indiana is doing great work and we are pleased to be a part of their Day of Giving” says Brian Quinn.
DSI offers programs intended to promote the inclusion of individuals with Down syndrome in their greater community. In addition, they offer support and information to families, caregivers, educators, employers and the professionals who serve individuals with Down syndrome.
On March 21st, for 24 hours, DSI’s Day of Giving will be devoted to engaging the local business community with families and individuals with Down Syndrome, and those who live and work alongside them – physicians, researchers, advocates, caregivers, sponsors, board of directors, and community base, all working toward one common goal: sharing with the world the incredible stories of individuals with Down Syndrome, and the advancements made in the research field and community. DSI is incredibly excited to be the first to host an event of this magnitude.
This online telethon event is anchored by a unique DSI Day of Giving website (DSIDayofGiving.org) and strong social media presence (#DSIDayofGiving). DSI and its sponsors will create an online experience with a reach that extends well beyond a typical event. Facebook Live interviews will kick off each hour, beginning at 7 a.m. on March 21st, featuring the sponsors, staff, medical personnel, and families. Social media posts and challenges will begin at 4 a.m. and will span until 4 a.m the following day.
Learn more about Down Syndrome Indiana at www.dsindiana.org or follow their Facebook page to watch the videos at the top of the hour on March 21st:
26 Feb 2018
Big Things First
Do you often have days where your feel like you’ve been busy all day, but haven’t gotten much done? Perhaps it is because you are focusing on the little things rather than the big things. Adopting a policy of always doing the big things first can help shift your focus to what is most important and will be most productive. After all, to make big things happen, you have to tackle big issues first. Craig Jarrow shares more about the importance of prioritizing our daily tasks in this article from Time Management Ninja.
But what about the little tasks, you might ask? Isn’t it just as important to complete these as well? Craig Jarrow offers insight and tips to make sure the little things don’t slip through the cracks in another helpful article from Time Management Ninja.
Let’s be honest, we can all stand to implement some new strategies to help increase our efficiency. Changing our approach to tackling a long “To Do” list, might be the answer you need to making sure each day is filled with the big things, and not just the little things!
When designing bracing connections, have you been using a weld ductility factor on welds subjected to shear and transverse loads to allow for adequate redistribution of stresses? Although there have been multiple tests and papers showing the importance of this factor, some engineers are still unaware of its necessity which can result in underperforming bracing connections.
In the February 2018 SEU presentation Introduction to the Design and Cost of Steel Seismic Connections – Braced Frames, Patrick Fortney, PhD, PE, SE, P.Eng., from the University of Cincinnati reviewed using the uniform force method in braced frame connections and covered the various strength and detailing requirements for braced frames and the associated costs. In his presentation, Pat walked through the design of seismic steel connections, which also included many important thoughts on braced connection design, in general.
Pat specifically highlighted the importance of using a weld ductility factor of 1.25 to increase the load for which welds in all bracing connections subjected to shear and transverse loading. This weld ductility factor accounts for issues with proximity and distortion within the braced frame connection and is necessary to allow adequate force redistribution within the weld.. Pat referenced the 2004 paper by Hewitt and Thornton, Rationale Behind and Proper Application Of the Ductility Factor for Bracing Connections Subjected to Shear and Transverse Loading, as a good resource to further understand the need for this ductility factor. Although the Code does not specifically require this weld ductility factor, Part 13 of the AISC Steel Manual does recommend using it.
It is important to note that welds that are designed to develop the strength of the gusset plate need not be increased by the weld ductility factor, since the ductility of the plate allows the redistribution of load. Also, the weld ductility factor does not apply to welds in shear only. It is the combination of shear and tension on the weld that triggers the need for force redistribution within the bracing connection but only if proximity issues or distortion issues are present.
Many times these bracing connections may be delegated the steel fabricator, however, it is still important for EORs to be aware of the necessity of the weld ductility factor and its relevance in connection design. Although not specific to seismic systems, Pat’s explanation of the weld ductility factor and its relevance is a welcomed reminder to engineers that may not be familiar with its use, or don’t typically design their own steel connections.
In January and February of 2018, SE University welcomed back Patrick Fortney, PhD, PE, SE, P.Eng, from the University of Cinncinati, to present Selecting the Appropriate Seismic System for Your Steel Project and Introduction to the Design and Cost of Steel Seismic Connections. In 2017, Patrick nominated Wounded Warrior Project (https://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/) for the SEU Speaker Inspires donation, and has chosen to do the same in 2018.
Patrick previously shared why he chose the WWP: “The mission of the Wounded Warrior Project is to honor and empower wounded warriors who incurred a physical or mental injury, illnesses, or wound, co-incident to military service on or after September 11, 2001. As with most veterans, these veterans served our country not out of any political bent or personal goal; they made selfless commitments to protect and preserve the great freedoms that we as Americans enjoy and vowed to resist anyone acting to take our freedoms from us.
The Wounded Warrior Project not only addresses the physical ailments of these veterans but, takes a holistic approach to helping veterans to once again acclimatize to their private and personal lives; addressing issues not only suffered by the veterans but, by their families as well. I encourage everyone to view the testimonials of the wounded veterans and their families to which this charity has served. We cannot overlook or underestimate the sacrifices made by our veterans.”
Thank you, Patrick, for helping structural engineers with your SE University sessions, and for your designation of Wounded Warrior Project as our SEU Speaker Inspires Organization of the Month!
SE University began the SEU Speaker Inspires program in 2015 as a way to “pay it forward”, enabling our speakers to designate a charity/organization of their choice for SE University to make a donation to help improve our world.
Are you a Recent Graduate or Student in Civil/Structural Engineering who would like to learn additional technical information to help you start your career as a structural engineer? Transitioning from student to entry-level engineer has a learning curve associated with it. But with proper preparation and a commitment to continued learning, your entry-level job can lead to a rewarding career in structural engineering.
SE Apprentice can help you on your path to success! This series of recorded sessions aims to present ideas and concepts not typically learned in class, and combine these with real world knowledge of how a building and project come together, to help give students and new graduates an idea of what to expect on a project they would work on in the office.
These sessions are available for both students and new/recent grads. Please visit www.seapprentice.com to access the sessions. While the SE Apprentice series is available at no cost for students, companies that find these sessions helpful for their newly hired engineers can elect to donate to Structural Engineers of Ohio (SEAOoO) Educational Awards Fund as a way to ‘pay it forward’ for the future generation of structural engineering students. (but this is not required)
SE Solutions & SE University hopes this series benefits companies with new engineers as well as students wanting to be more prepared to start their career upon graduation.
26 Dec 2017
Using Structural Software Successfully
How well do you trust the results of your structural analysis software? Relying on software can save hours of design time, but using an inaccurate model can have devastating results. Even the most experienced engineer can stand to be reminded of potential inaccuracies when using structural software, especially with the many changes made to building codes and in structural software updates.
In the November 2017 SE University session, Matt Brown, SE, from Newport Structural Design, Inc., presented Validating Software Results which covered a variety of pitfalls to avoid and rules of thumb to use when employing structural software programs. Matt gave great examples of how small changes or oversights during the input can result in inaccurate and potentially catastrophic output.
First, Matt reviewed how designers need to be consistent in their use of ASD or LRFD loads and load combinations with the appropriate safety factors. For instance, the use of ASD loads with LRFD safety factors would result in an unconservative software results. Similarly, being consistent with ASCE7 wind speeds and load combinations and ensuring the correct code years. If a designer uses the 2005 wind speeds with 2010 load factors, the results would be unconservative. When multiple parties may be involved in the design, it is important for all parties to be aware of the applicable code year and be consistent throughout the design.
A second pitfall in using structural software analysis can be found in properly modeling the intended load path. Often times, the load path is incorrectly modeled with boundary conditions that may not be accurate. Being aware of how you would expect the building to transfer the loads down to the foundation before you solve the model will help to avoid unintended boundary conditions that would be inaccurate and drastically affect the analysis results.
Another common oversight in building models tends to result from the use of rigid diaphragms. When using collector beams to transfer lateral loads from the rigid diaphragm to the braced frame, the collector beam in the model will have zero axial load due to the strain compatibility of the idealized infinitely rigid floor compared to the less stiff steel beam. However, in reality, the steel beam will have an axial load that will need to be checked by hand in addition to the flexural bending obtained from the software results.
Also, notional loads could help prevent unconservative designs and should be included in any software input. This is especially important when using the Direct Analysis Method since the effective length factor K =1.0. Without any notional nodes on a simple gravity analysis, there is no deflection that will create a P-delta effect to include in the analysis. Thus, the frame will not be able to withstand any lateral load, even though the model shows the gravity analysis to be acceptable.
Knowing the capabilities of the software before employing its use can be invaluable to the design engineer. Though software does sometimes have bugs that can cause issues during design, typically errors result from a lack of foresight on what results should be expected from the model. To avoid future mistakes with your structural software analysis, be sure to watch out for these common pitfalls, and consider your expectations before you hit solve to be sure you have consistent results.