Patrick Fortney, PhD, PE, SE, P.Eng., University of Cinncinati

In January and February of 2018, SE University welcomed back Patrick Fortney, PhD, PE, SE, P.Eng, from the University of Cinncinati, to present Selecting the Appropriate Seismic System for Your Steel Project and Introduction to the Design and Cost of Steel Seismic Connections. In 2017, Patrick nominated Wounded Warrior Project ( for the SEU Speaker Inspires donation, and has chosen to do the same in 2018.

Patrick previously shared why he chose the WWP: “The mission of the Wounded Warrior Project is to honor and empower wounded warriors who incurred a physical or mental injury, illnesses, or wound, co-incident to military service on or after September 11, 2001. As with most veterans, these veterans served our country not out of any political bent or personal goal; they made selfless commitments to protect and preserve the great freedoms that we as Americans enjoy and vowed to resist anyone acting to take our freedoms from us.

The Wounded Warrior Project not only addresses the physical ailments of these veterans but, takes a holistic approach to helping veterans to once again acclimatize to their private and personal lives; addressing issues not only suffered by the veterans but, by their families as well. I encourage everyone to view the testimonials of the wounded veterans and their families to which this charity has served. We cannot overlook or underestimate the sacrifices made by our veterans.”

Thank you, Patrick, for helping structural engineers with your SE University sessions, and for your designation of Wounded Warrior Project as our SEU Speaker Inspires Organization of the Month!



SE University began the SEU Speaker Inspires program in 2015 as a way to “pay it forward”, enabling our speakers to designate a charity/organization of their choice for SE University to make a donation to help improve our world.

Jason Pirtle, PE, Jason Pirtle Structural Engineers, LLC


In December 2017, Jason Pirtle, PE, from Jason Pirtle Structural Engineers, LLC, gave a talk on Tornado Shelter Design. He chose Operation Hope Neighborhood Ministries ( for the SEU Speaker Inspires donation of the month.

Jason shared why he chose this organization: “Operation Hope Neighborhood Ministries is a faith-based non-profit whose mission is to walk beside the hurting families in one of our area’s vastly underserved communities. Over the last year Operation Hope distributed over 464,163 lbs. of supplemental groceries in the form of bread, fresh produce and meat, served over 5,902 weekly meals for families and provided afterschool/summer tutoring, safety and care for 326 children. Finding ways to meet our communities’ real needs, whatever they may be, is the most important thing we can do as engineering professionals.”

Thank you, Jason, for helping structural engineers with your SE University session, and for your designation of Operation Hope Neighborhood Ministries as our SEU Speaker Inspires Organization of the Month!



SE University began the SEU Speaker Inspires program in 2015 as a way to “pay it forward”, enabling our speakers to designate a charity/organization of their choice for SE University to make a donation to help improve our world.

Matt Brown, SE Newport Structural Design, Inc.

In November 2017, Matt Brown, SE, from Newport Structural Design, Inc., gave a talk on Validating Software Results. He chose the North Bay Fire Relief Fund( for the SEU Speaker Inspires donation of the month.

Matt shared why he chose to support the North Bay Fire Relief Fund: “My reason for choosing this organization is that my own house came dangerously close to burning down during the recent California fires. It made me aware that just because you live in a dense urban area you are still not safe from wildfires, and I feel for the people of Santa Rosa who never knew that they should have to prepare for this, and who lost everything.”

Thank you, Matt, for helping structural engineers with your SE University session, and for your designation of the North Bay Fire Relief Fund as our SEU Speaker Inspires Organizations of the Month!


Kevin Davenport, PE Simpson Strong-Tie

In September 2017, Kevin Davenport, PE, from Simpson Strong-Tie, gave a talk on Code Provisions for Post-Installed Adhesive Anchors into Concrete. He chose both the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund through the Greater Houston Community Foundation ( and the Red Cross – Hurricane Irma Relief Fund ( for the SEU Speaker Inspires donation of the month.

Kevin shared why he chose to split the donation between these two organizations: “When SE University informed me of the opportunity to donate to a cause, it came right on the heels of two natural disasters that hit close to home and affected many of my co-workers. My company has been contributing both through donations as well as by way of sending volunteers down to affected areas to assist with the recovery effort. So the first thing that came to mind was to select a cause that would continue to support in the recovery efforts for those devastated by these events in TX and FL.”

Thank you, Kevin, for helping structural engineers with your SE University session, and for your designation of the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund through the Greater Houston Community Foundation and the Red Cross – Hurricane Irma Relief Fund as our SEU Speaker Inspires Organizations of the Month!


Otto Schwarz, PE, SE Ryan Biggs | Clark Davis

In October 2017, Otto Schwarz, PE, SE, from Ryan Biggs | Clark Davis, gave a talk on Post-Tensioned Concrete Analysis and Design. He chose the Habitat for Humanity – Capital District ( for the SEU Speaker Inspires donation of the month.

Otto shared why he chose his local Habitat for Humanity: “I have been lucky enough to have the privilege of having a stable place to call home and the security of knowing that there was a place I could go to be safe and warm, and to prepare for each new day. This may not be the reason for my successes in life, but without it, I could have never made it this far. The ability to thrive and succeed in life requires a stable foundation on which to build, and many do not have that basic need satisfied. Habitat for Humanity fills this need for so many with the help of the work and donations of so many more.”

Thank you, Otto, for helping structural engineers with your SE University session, and for your designation of Habitat for Humanity – Capital District as our SEU Speaker Inspires Organizations of the Month!


Ash Norton, Ash Norton Engineering Leadership

In August 2017, Ash Norton, from Ash Norton Engineering Leadership, gave a talk on Digital Presence for Engineers: What are Your Emails Really Saying?  She chose the Kentucky Educational Television ( for the SEU Speaker Inspires donation of the month.

Ash shared why she chose Kentucky Educational Television: “Some of my earliest memories were of watching Sesame Street and other programs on the local public broadcasting station – KET Kentucky Educational Television. Growing up in a poor family from Kentucky, my future was uncertain. However, the high-quality, educational programming that KET provided instilled in me an early love of learning.

This love of learning allowed me to excel in academics – graduating from high school a year early and ultimately earning degrees in chemical engineering and masters of business administration.

Now KET’s programming is diverse and innovative, while still maintaining commitment to its values of Learning, Excellence,and Community.”

Thank you, Ash, for helping structural engineers with your SE University session, and for your designation of Kentucky Educational Television as our SEU Speaker Inspires Organization of the Month!


Kimberley Robinson, PE, SE SunSteel, LLC

In July 2017, Kimberley Robinson, PE, SE, from SunSteel, LLC, gave a talk on Buckling Restrained Braced Frames. She chose the Structural Engineers Association of Utah Scholarship Program ( for the SEU Speaker Inspires donation of the month.

Kim designated the same organization after her December 2016 SE University session, and she shared then why she chose the SEAU Scholarship Program: “I think that it is very important to support young and talented would-be engineers and bring them closer to their goal of a college degree and a rich and rewarding career.”

Thank you, Kim, for helping structural engineers with your SE University session, and for your designation of the SEAU Scholarship Program as our SEU Speaker Inspires Organization of the Month!


Matthew Mester, PE, SE SidePlate Systems, Inc.

In June 2017, Matthew Mester, PE, SE, from SidePlate Systems, Inc., presented Moment Frames: Design and Detailing per AISC 341 and 358. He nominated the Structural Engineers Association of Southern California Foundation ( for the SEU Speaker Inspires donation of the month.

The Structural Engineers Association of Southern California Foundation, in its goals to further the development of the structural engineering profession, looks for partners, be it individuals, companies or corporations, to pursue structural engineering innovation and research for use in the public domain. The foundation can assist in the development process of specific structural engineering research projects and publishing of any findings.

The foundation is dependent upon donations for its operation and funding of research projects and annual student scholarships. Matthew chose to donate to the SEAOSC Foundation for student scholarships to “help the next generation of structural engineers.”

Thank you, Matthew, for helping structural engineers with your SE University session, and for your designation of the Structural Engineers Association of Southern California Foundation as our SEU Speaker Inspires Organization of the Month!



SE University began the SEU Speaker Inspires program in 2015 as a way to “pay it forward”, enabling our speakers to designate a charity/organization of their choice for SE University to make a donation to help improve our world.

Patrick Fortney, PhD, PE, SE, P.Eng University of Cinncinati

In April 2017, Patrick Fortney, PhD, PE, SE, P.Eng, from the University of Cinncinati, presented The Chevron Effect – A Paradigm Shift in Approach to Analysis. He nominated Wounded Warrior Project ( for the SEU Speaker Inspires donation of the month.

Patrick shared why he chose the WWP: “The mission of the Wounded Warrior Project is to honor and empower wounded warriors who incurred a physical or mental injury, illnesses, or wound, co-incident to military service on or after September 11, 2001. As with most veterans, these veterans served our country not out of any political bent or personal goal; they made selfless commitments to protect and preserve the great freedoms that we as Americans enjoy and vowed to resist anyone acting to take our freedoms from us.

The Wounded Warrior Project not only addresses the physical ailments of these veterans but, takes a holistic approach to helping veterans to once again acclimatize to their private and personal lives; addressing issues not only suffered by the veterans but, by their families as well. I encourage everyone to view the testimonials of the wounded veterans and their families to which this charity has served. We cannot overlook or underestimate the sacrifices made by our veterans.”

Thank you, Patrick, for helping structural engineers with your SE University session, and for your designation of Wounded Warrior Project as our SEU Speaker Inspires Organization of the Month!



SE University began the SEU Speaker Inspires program in 2015 as a way to “pay it forward”, enabling our speakers to designate a charity/organization of their choice for SE University to make a donation to help improve our world.

Pat Conway, AIA International Masonry Institute

In March 2017, Pat Conway, AIA, from the International Masonry Institute, presented Masonry Movement Joints from a Structural and Architectural Perspective. He nominated Friends of Blue Mound State Park ( for the SEU Speaker Inspires donation of the month.

Friends of Blue Mound State Park is a group of volunteers working together to benefit the park by enhancing and preserving its natural resources while offering activities and projects to improve the park guest’s visit. Pat shared that he chose Friends of Blue Mound State Park because they “help support our K-5th grade Youth Cross-Country Ski Program to introduce children and families to a winter sport as a part of a fun, active, outdoor Nordic lifestyle. This ski program is run by the Blue Mound Nordic Ski Club and offers ski lessons and games on Saturday mornings in January and February. We rent ski equipment to families and offer scholarships to those who cannot afford it.”

Thank you, Pat, for helping structural engineers with your SE University session, and for your designation of Friends of Blue Mound State Park as our SEU Speaker Inspires Organization of the Month!



SE University began the SEU Speaker Inspires program in 2015 as a way to “pay it forward”, enabling our speakers to designate a charity/organization of their choice for SE University to make a donation to help improve our world.

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